Os Sertões: O Homem II — da Re-volta ao Trans-homem
Plot: Dedicated to "the creation of an heroic and anti-heroic attitude of those that go to war and say: Farewell Man!," the theatrical version of the second movement of the second part of Os Sertões presents the passage from the re-volted man to the trans-man, creator of an alternate possibility for human adventure on Earth. From the story of Antônio Conselheiro, all theater relives its seminal death: a common man who, out of love, transmutes into an anti-messianic leader, gathering a legion of "sertanejos," roots of solidarity in the inlands of Bahia who, in a community effort, raise dams, churchs, and cemiteries
Release Date:
Saturday, November 15 2003
21 years ago
21 years ago