Poster of Blowin' in the Wind

Blowin' in the Wind

Plot: Blowin' in the Wind is a 1985 short animated film directed by Bill Reeves that was made as an animation test at Lucasfilm for what would eventually become Pixar. It is of a field of grass blowing in the wind below a blue sky set to Bob Dylan's iconic song
Release Date: Tuesday, January 1 1985
39 years ago
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Portrait of William ReevesWilliam Reeves
William Reeves was
>> in Blowin' in the Wind
as 'Director, Original Concept'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of John LasseterJohn Lasseter
John Lasseter was
27 in Blowin' in the Wind
as 'Location Scout'
Sat, Jan 12 1957
Portrait of Bob DylanBob Dylan
Bob Dylan was
43 in Blowin' in the Wind
as 'Songs'
Sat, May 24 1941