Poster of Fragmentos de un diario inacabado

Fragmentos de un diario inacabado

Plot: The diary of a trip - interrupted - of the director to Chile, made during the social explosion of the eighties: Expelled from the country after her semi-clandestine entry was discovered by the intelligence services, it was completed from a distance. It is one of the first returns from exile and a fundamental antecedent of the first-person documentary in Chile
Release Date: Sunday, March 13 1983
42 years ago
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Portrait of Angelina VásquezAngelina VásquezAngelina Vásquez was 32 in Fragmentos de un diario inacabado as 'Director, Screenplay'
Birthday: Fri, May 12 1950
Portrait of Johan EnbomJohan EnbomJohan Enbom was 25 in Fragmentos de un diario inacabado as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Fri, Sep 27 1957 –
Mon, May 15 1989
Portrait of Pablo PerelmanPablo PerelmanPablo Perelman was 34 in Fragmentos de un diario inacabado as 'Assistant Director'
Birthday: Fri, Dec 31 1948
Portrait of Anja RouhuvirtaAnja RouhuvirtaAnja Rouhuvirta was >> in Fragmentos de un diario inacabado as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Marcos De AguirreMarcos De AguirreMarcos De Aguirre was >> in Fragmentos de un diario inacabado as 'Sound'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday