Poster of The Word

The Word

Plot: The film follows a single father, Tom Hawkins (Kevin O’Donnell) whose life is destroyed when his son is kidnapped and murdered. When informed by the FBI, led by agent Mike Sheehy (Naughton), that the homicide appears to be part of a string of crimes carried out by an enigmatic, religious sect, Tom decides to take matters into his own hands
Release Date: Monday, July 22 2013
11 years ago
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Portrait of Kevin O'DonnellKevin O'Donnell
Kevin O'Donnell was
36 in The Word
Tue, Dec 21 1976
Portrait of James NaughtonJames Naughton
James Naughton was
67 in The Word
Thu, Dec 06 1945
Portrait of Maggie LaceyMaggie Lacey
Maggie Lacey was
>> in The Word
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kelly AuCoinKelly AuCoin
Kelly AuCoin was
>> in The Word
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Gregory W. FriedleGregory W. Friedle
Gregory W. Friedle was
>> in The Word
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Steve GrimaldiSteve Grimaldi
Steve Grimaldi was
>> in The Word
as 'Screenplay'
Unknown Birthday