Poster of Culture Capture: Terminal Adddition

Culture Capture: Terminal Adddition

Plot: Half tongue-in-cheek absurdism and half deadly earnest, CULTURE CAPTURE: TERMINAL ADDDITION continues the New Red Order’s ongoing project of “culture capture,” recruiting viewers to participate in a program of practical strategies to counter the “salvage mindset,” which sets aside Indigenous culture and sovereignty by consigning it to the past. These strategies include using new, accessible technologies, such as smartphone apps that produce 3D scans of objects, both of Indigenous material that museums and other institutions may hold and public monuments that celebrate and re-affirm the norms of European settler culture
Release Date: Thursday, April 11 2019
5 years ago
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Portrait of Adam KhalilAdam KhalilAdam Khalil was 31 in Culture Capture: Terminal Adddition as 'Director'
Birthday: Fri, Jan 01 1988
Portrait of Zack KhalilZack KhalilZack Khalil was 28 in Culture Capture: Terminal Adddition as 'Director'
Birthday: Tue, Jan 01 1991
Portrait of Jackson PolysJackson PolysJackson Polys was >> in Culture Capture: Terminal Adddition as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday