Poster of The Jewish Street

The Jewish Street

Plot: "The Jewish Street" is a documentary produced by Augusts Sukuts and directed by his close colleague, Latvian-born director Hertz Frank, one of the founders of the Baltic poetic documentary genre. "The Jewish Street" is dedicated to the painful issues of the Holocaust and the Riga Ghetto
Release Date: Wednesday, January 1 1992
32 years ago
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Portrait of Herz FrankHerz Frank
Herz Frank was
65 in The Jewish Street
as 'Director, Director of Photography, Writer'
Sun, Jan 17 1926 –
Sun, Mar 03 2013
Portrait of Vladimir PlotkeVladimir Plotke
Vladimir Plotke was
>> in The Jewish Street
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Moisejs BitkeMoisejs Bitke
Moisejs Bitke was
>> in The Jewish Street
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Aleksandr GetmanAleksandr Getman
Aleksandr Getman was
>> in The Jewish Street
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Leonīds KovaļsLeonīds Kovaļs
Leonīds Kovaļs was
>> in The Jewish Street
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Augusts SukutsAugusts Sukuts
Augusts Sukuts was
>> in The Jewish Street
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pauls DambisPauls Dambis
Pauls Dambis was
>> in The Jewish Street
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday