Poster of Ups/Downs


Plot: A short film explaining the difference between amphetamines and barbiturates in sometimes hilarious and often heartbreaking ways, through animation, stock footage shots of pills flying through the air, and meaningful interviews with doctors and addicts about their conditions.
Release Date: Friday, January 1 1970
54 years ago
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Portrait of Herb GrahamHerb GrahamHerb Graham was >> in Ups/Downs as 'Narrator'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of joe k phippsjoe k phippsjoe k phipps was >> in Ups/Downs as 'Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Laurenzo SalzmannLaurenzo SalzmannLaurenzo Salzmann was >> in Ups/Downs as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Paul FierlingerPaul FierlingerPaul Fierlinger was 34 in Ups/Downs as 'Animation'
Birthday: Sun, Mar 15 1936