Poster of cNote


Plot: In this animated short, filmmaker Chris Hinton and composer Michael Oesterle leap back and forth between picture and sound. The dynamic movement of Hinton's visual art dances in syncopation with the bold musical strokes of an original modern classical composition
Release Date: Thursday, May 12 2005
19 years ago
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Portrait of Christopher HintonChristopher Hinton
Christopher Hinton was
>> in cNote
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Michael FukushimaMichael Fukushima
Michael Fukushima was
>> in cNote
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of David VerrallDavid Verrall
David Verrall was
57 in cNote
as 'Executive Producer'
Thu, Jan 01 1948
Portrait of Michael OesterleMichael Oesterle
Michael Oesterle was
>> in cNote
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Geoffrey MitchellGeoffrey Mitchell
Geoffrey Mitchell was
>> in cNote
as 'Sound Mixer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sylvain CajelaisSylvain Cajelais
Sylvain Cajelais was
>> in cNote
as 'Sound Mixer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Christopher HintonChristopher Hinton
Christopher Hinton was
>> in cNote
as 'Animation'
Unknown Birthday