Poster of Revelator


Plot: John Dunning, a disgraced psychic who sees the dead, is thrust in the midst of the embattled Bellvue family empire, and must investigate the suspicious death of the last heir, while cynical journalist Valerie Kreuger documents his every move; but when the death is ruled a murder and John the sole suspect, he must venture into the depths of madness to uncover the truth about the family and their power, before he loses his mind - or worse.
Release Date: Friday, August 25 2017
7 years ago
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Portrait of J. Van AukenJ. Van Auken
J. Van Auken was
28 in Revelator
as 'John Dunning'.
Tue, Dec 27 1988
Portrait of Mindy RaeMindy Rae
Mindy Rae was
>> in Revelator
as 'Valerie Kreuger'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nicholas ThurkettleNicholas Thurkettle
Nicholas Thurkettle was
39 in Revelator
as 'Jacob Bellvue'.
Wed, Aug 31 1977
Portrait of Galen HowardGalen Howard
Galen Howard was
>> in Revelator
as 'The Orderly'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alex KleinAlex Klein
Alex Klein was
>> in Revelator
as 'Elias Bellvue'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of J. Van AukenJ. Van Auken
J. Van Auken was
28 in Revelator
as 'Director, Writer, Editor'
Tue, Dec 27 1988
Portrait of Dan ClarkeDan Clarke
Dan Clarke was
>> in Revelator
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday