Poster of fairytale tree the movie

fairytale tree the movie

Plot: Wolf, Assepoester, Roodkapje, Reus en Klein Duimpje accidentally end up in the unknown Winterland. The gate through which the characters went was broken by Longneck
Release Date: Wednesday, February 22 2012
13 years ago
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Portrait of Hero MullerHero MullerHero Muller was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Sprookjesboom'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Roos van der waerdenRoos van der waerdenRoos van der waerden was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Roodkapje'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rinie van den ElzenRinie van den ElzenRinie van den Elzen was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Wolf'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bianca van den HeijdenBianca van den HeijdenBianca van den Heijden was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Heks'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lieke PijnappelsLieke PijnappelsLieke Pijnappels was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Assepoester'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Armin van BuurenArmin van BuurenArmin van Buuren was 35 in fairytale tree the movie as 'Draak'.
Birthday: Sat, Dec 25 1976
Portrait of Marike FollesMarike FollesMarike Folles was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Klein Duimpje'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Frank FocketynFrank FocketynFrank Focketyn was 51 in fairytale tree the movie as 'Reus'.
Birthday: Fri, Dec 30 1960
Portrait of Fred MeijerFred MeijerFred Meijer was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Langnek/Specht'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ali BAli BAli B was 30 in fairytale tree the movie as 'Fakir'.
Birthday: Fri, Oct 16 1981
Portrait of Willem-Jan StouthartWillem-Jan StouthartWillem-Jan Stouthart was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Ezel'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Xavier WernerXavier WernerXavier Werner was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Geitje Benjamin'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Reinder van der NaaltReinder van der NaaltReinder van der Naalt was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Kabouter'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rinie van den ElzenRinie van den ElzenRinie van den Elzen was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Kabouter'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Hildegard van NijlenHildegard van NijlenHildegard van Nijlen was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Eekhoorn'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Hans WaltherHans WaltherHans Walther was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Director, Editor, Foley Artist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tingue DongelmansTingue DongelmansTingue Dongelmans was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Dirk NielandtDirk NielandtDirk Nielandt was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Noortje NoordstrandNoortje NoordstrandNoortje Noordstrand was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jolande JunteJolande JunteJolande Junte was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Executive Producer, Production Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Thijs BayensThijs BayensThijs Bayens was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Creative Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Eefje van HomberghEefje van HomberghEefje van Hombergh was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Supervising Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rudy VissersRudy VissersRudy Vissers was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Supervising Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Olaf VugtsOlaf VugtsOlaf Vugts was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Supervising Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Matthijs KieboomMatthijs KieboomMatthijs Kieboom was 26 in fairytale tree the movie as 'Music'
Birthday: Tue, Jun 18 1985
Portrait of Martijn SchimmerMartijn SchimmerMartijn Schimmer was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Music'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sander HoutmanSander HoutmanSander Houtman was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Sound Designer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jaco SchoonhovenJaco SchoonhovenJaco Schoonhoven was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Project Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Louise GeesinkLouise GeesinkLouise Geesink was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Character Designer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Wil RaymakersWil RaymakersWil Raymakers was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Character Designer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ali BenyahiaAli BenyahiaAli Benyahia was >> in fairytale tree the movie as 'Administration'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday