Poster of The Ice Forest

The Ice Forest

Plot: In the harsh snowy landscape of the Italian Alps, a young technician arrives to repair an electric power plant of a village plagued by blackouts. There, he encounters a strange disappearance
Release Date: Thursday, October 23 2014
10 years ago
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Portrait of Emir KusturicaEmir Kusturica
Emir Kusturica was
59 in The Ice Forest
as 'Secondo'.
Wed, Nov 24 1954
Portrait of Kseniya RappoportKseniya Rappoport
Kseniya Rappoport was
40 in The Ice Forest
as 'Lana'.
Mon, Mar 25 1974
Portrait of Domenico DieleDomenico Diele
Domenico Diele was
29 in The Ice Forest
as 'Pietro'.
Thu, Jul 25 1985
Portrait of Adriano GianniniAdriano Giannini
Adriano Giannini was
43 in The Ice Forest
as 'Lorenzo'.
Mon, May 10 1971
Portrait of Giovanni VettorazzoGiovanni Vettorazzo
Giovanni Vettorazzo was
>> in The Ice Forest
as 'Stanislao'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Maria RoveranMaria Roveran
Maria Roveran was
36 in The Ice Forest
as 'Sandra'.
Tue, Sep 12 1978
Portrait of Rinat KhismatoulineRinat Khismatouline
Rinat Khismatouline was
40 in The Ice Forest
as 'Lazlo'.
Fri, Nov 09 1973
Portrait of Danilo PanzeriDanilo Panzeri
Danilo Panzeri was
>> in The Ice Forest
as 'Attilio'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Marco TentiMarco Tenti
Marco Tenti was
>> in The Ice Forest
as 'Manlio'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Adriano MoscaAdriano Mosca
Adriano Mosca was
>> in The Ice Forest
as 'Davide'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Diego RibonDiego Ribon
Diego Ribon was
54 in The Ice Forest
as 'Dario'.
Sun, Feb 14 1960
Portrait of Stefano PellizzariStefano Pellizzari
Stefano Pellizzari was
>> in The Ice Forest
as 'Drago'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nusret SalijaNusret Salija
Nusret Salija was
>> in The Ice Forest
as 'Vladan'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Armend SalijaArmend Salija
Armend Salija was
>> in The Ice Forest
as 'Mirolslav'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bambara AboubacarBambara Aboubacar
Bambara Aboubacar was
>> in The Ice Forest
as 'bambino immigrato'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Franco PaissanFranco Paissan
Franco Paissan was
>> in The Ice Forest
as 'guardia forestale'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Claudio NoceClaudio Noce
Claudio Noce was
39 in The Ice Forest
as 'Writer, Director'
Fri, Aug 01 1975
Portrait of Michele D'AttanasioMichele D'Attanasio
Michele D'Attanasio was
38 in The Ice Forest
as 'Director of Photography'
Fri, Jun 18 1976
Portrait of Francesca ManieriFrancesca Manieri
Francesca Manieri was
35 in The Ice Forest
as 'Writer'
Mon, Jan 01 1979
Portrait of Elisa AmorusoElisa Amoruso
Elisa Amoruso was
33 in The Ice Forest
as 'Writer'
Wed, Apr 29 1981
Portrait of Francesco TatòFrancesco Tatò
Francesco Tatò was
>> in The Ice Forest
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Matteo RovereMatteo Rovere
Matteo Rovere was
32 in The Ice Forest
as 'Producer'
Fri, Jan 22 1982
Portrait of Andrea ParisAndrea Paris
Andrea Paris was
42 in The Ice Forest
as 'Producer'
Thu, Jan 13 1972
Portrait of Andrea MaguoloAndrea Maguolo
Andrea Maguolo was
>> in The Ice Forest
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Daniele FrabettiDaniele Frabetti
Daniele Frabetti was
>> in The Ice Forest
as 'Production Design'
Unknown Birthday