Yolande MoreauYolande Moreau was 68 in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Victorine (voice)'.
Birthday: Fri, Feb 27 1953
Simon AbkarianSimon Abkarian was 59 in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Narrateur (voice)'.
Birthday: Mon, Mar 05 1962
Mathieu AmalricMathieu Amalric was 55 in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Adolphe Thiers (voice)'.
Birthday: Mon, Oct 25 1965
Fanny ArdantFanny Ardant was 71 in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Mère de Victorine (voice)'.
Birthday: Tue, Mar 22 1949
Charles BerlingCharles Berling was 62 in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Gustave Courbet (voice)'.
Birthday: Wed, Apr 30 1958
Sandrine BonnaireSandrine Bonnaire was 53 in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Louise Michel (voice)'.
Birthday: Wed, May 31 1967
André DussollierAndré Dussollier was 75 in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Sauveur de Victorine (voice)'.
Birthday: Sun, Feb 17 1946
Anouk GrinbergAnouk Grinberg was 57 in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'André Léo (voice)'.
Birthday: Wed, Mar 20 1963
Arthur H.Arthur H. was 54 in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Garde bataillon des Enfants perdus (voice)'.
Birthday: Sun, Mar 27 1966
Félix MoatiFélix Moati was 30 in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Léo Frankel (voice)'.
Birthday: Thu, May 24 1990
François MorelFrançois Morel was 61 in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Général Brunet (voice)'.
Birthday: Wed, Jun 10 1959
Denis PodalydèsDenis Podalydès was 57 in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Georges Clemenceau (voice)'.
Birthday: Mon, Apr 22 1963
Michel VuillermozMichel Vuillermoz was 58 in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Léon Gambetta (voice)'.
Birthday: Tue, Dec 18 1962
Jacques WeberJacques Weber was 71 in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Victor Hugo (voice)'.
Birthday: Tue, Aug 23 1949
Antoine David-CalvetAntoine David-Calvet was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Orateur des Folies-Belleville (voice)'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Julien GoetzJulien Goetz was 42 in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Raoul Rigault (voice)'.
Birthday: Mon, Jan 01 1979
Nicky MarbotNicky Marbot was 55 in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Président de l'Assemblée nationale (voice)'.
Birthday: Thu, Nov 11 1965
Olivier SadoineOlivier Sadoine was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Homme affiche rouge (voice)'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Philippe SaïdPhilippe Saïd was 63 in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Membre du Comité central (voice)'.
Birthday: Wed, Jan 01 1958
Dorothée de SilguyDorothée de Silguy was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Citoyenne à Bordeaux (voice)'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Régis VlachosRégis Vlachos was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Garde fédéré (voice)'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Raphaël MeyssanRaphaël Meyssan was 44 in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Director, Original Series Design, Writer'
Birthday: Sun, Oct 03 1976
Tanguy OlivierTanguy Olivier was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Production Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Marc HerpouxMarc Herpoux was 53 in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Co-Writer'
Birthday: Tue, Jan 09 1968
Fabienne Servan SchreiberFabienne Servan Schreiber was 70 in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Producer'
Birthday: Thu, Mar 23 1950
Sandrine MancietSandrine Manciet was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Pierre BaussaronPierre Baussaron was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Line Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Emmanuel-Alain RaynalEmmanuel-Alain Raynal was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Line Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Colin LucasColin Lucas was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Rémi Sagot-DuvaurouxRémi Sagot-Duvauroux was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Editorial Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Maylis ColletMaylis Collet was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Sound Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Yan VolsyYan Volsy was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Original Music Composer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Pierre CailletPierre Caillet was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Original Music Composer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Olivier BeaufretOlivier Beaufret was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Sound Recordist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Alexis LasneAlexis Lasne was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Animation'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Matthieu NappezMatthieu Nappez was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Sound Mixer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Jean LedieuJean Ledieu was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Animation'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Florent MorinFlorent Morin was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Animation'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Léon RousseauLéon Rousseau was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Sound Recordist'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Matthias JanMatthias Jan was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Animation'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Pierre MorinPierre Morin was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Animation'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Mouloud OussidMouloud Oussid was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Animation'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Frédéric BarbeFrédéric Barbe was >> in The Damned of the Paris Commune as 'Animation Manager'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday