Poster of Greek Meets Greek

Greek Meets Greek

Plot: Eddie Boland is a scholar of Greek philosophy and is in his study when the butler interrupts him with a message. In the next room his sister (Ethel Broadhurst) has her friends over and are making a lot of noise
Release Date: Sunday, December 12 1920
104 years ago
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Portrait of Eddie BolandEddie Boland
Eddie Boland was
34 in Greek Meets Greek
as 'The Professor of Greek'.
Sat, Dec 26 1885 –
Sun, Feb 03 1935
Portrait of Ethel BroadhurstEthel Broadhurst
Ethel Broadhurst was
23 in Greek Meets Greek
as 'The Shimmy Teacher'.
Wed, Jun 02 1897 –
Wed, Aug 29 1945


Portrait of Nicholas T. BarrowsNicholas T. Barrows
Nicholas T. Barrows was
>> in Greek Meets Greek
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday