Poster of Force of the Ninja

Force of the Ninja

Plot: In the Arizona desert during an attack on a military convoy, mercenaries keep young Kasuko, from the Japanese royal family, as a hostage. While the Yakuza tries to gather the money asked, her family asks for the help of a powerful ninja warrior to free her
Release Date: Friday, January 1 1987
36 years ago
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Portrait of Douglas IvanDouglas Ivan
Douglas Ivan was
>> in Force of the Ninja
as 'Kenji'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Patricia BallPatricia Ball
Patricia Ball was
>> in Force of the Ninja
as 'Kazuke Tokugawa'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of John HobsonJohn Hobson
John Hobson was
>> in Force of the Ninja
as 'Otto'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sara Jane HartlingSara Jane Hartling
Sara Jane Hartling was
>> in Force of the Ninja
as 'Kimberly'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Chester SalisburyChester Salisbury
Chester Salisbury was
>> in Force of the Ninja
as 'Major Wells'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Robert WilliamsRobert Williams
Robert Williams was
>> in Force of the Ninja
as 'Karl Ryan'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Emmett AlstonEmmett Alston
Emmett Alston was
>> in Force of the Ninja
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Douglas IvanDouglas Ivan
Douglas Ivan was
>> in Force of the Ninja
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday