Poster of CRAZY


Plot: CRAZY, created by Rachel Leyco and Sheena Midori Brevig, follows Jaz and Leyna, two friends now at odds as their love lives begin to overlap. Jaz is busy figuring out the messy aftermath when her overbearing Filipino mother flushes her bipolar medication down the toilet
Release Date: Thursday, October 1 2020
4 years ago
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Portrait of Rachel LeycoRachel Leyco
Rachel Leyco was
>> in CRAZY
as 'Jaz'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sheena MidoriSheena Midori
Sheena Midori was
30 in CRAZY
as 'Leyna'.
Wed, Aug 22 1990
Portrait of Jamila HacheJamila Hache
Jamila Hache was
>> in CRAZY
as 'Riley'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tara-Nicole AzarianTara-Nicole Azarian
Tara-Nicole Azarian was
>> in CRAZY
as 'Addie'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Courtney AmisCourtney Amis
Courtney Amis was
25 in CRAZY
as 'Skyler'.
Thu, Sep 28 1995
Portrait of Evie AbatEvie Abat
Evie Abat was
>> in CRAZY
as 'Rosa'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Rachel LeycoRachel Leyco
Rachel Leyco was
>> in CRAZY
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alyssa LernerAlyssa Lerner
Alyssa Lerner was
>> in CRAZY
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sheena MidoriSheena Midori
Sheena Midori was
30 in CRAZY
as 'Director'
Wed, Aug 22 1990
Portrait of Ella LentiniElla Lentini
Ella Lentini was
>> in CRAZY
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday