Poster of Nostradamos


Plot: Citizens living in the city of Amos, Quebec, Canada and its surroundings are preparing for the worst. They have to act fast and make some quick decisions
Release Date: Saturday, July 23 2011
13 years ago
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Portrait of Pierre GalarneauPierre Galarneau
Pierre Galarneau was
>> in Nostradamos
as 'Retired Teacher'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Maxence BradleyMaxence Bradley
Maxence Bradley was
>> in Nostradamos
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alexandre LampronAlexandre Lampron
Alexandre Lampron was
>> in Nostradamos
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Elisabeth Olga TremblayElisabeth Olga Tremblay
Elisabeth Olga Tremblay was
>> in Nostradamos
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday