Johnny MassaroJohnny Massaro was 31 in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Miguel Souza / João'.
Birthday: Mon, Jan 20 1992
César MelloCésar Mello was 45 in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Zaqueu'.
Birthday: Fri, Apr 29 1977
Julia DalaviaJulia Dalavia was 25 in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Juliana'.
Birthday: Mon, Feb 09 1998
Ana HartmannAna Hartmann was 33 in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Helena / Marta'.
Birthday: Sat, Nov 18 1989
Cássia KisCássia Kis was 65 in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Dona Ivani'.
Birthday: Mon, Jan 06 1958
Ricardo GelliRicardo Gelli was 46 in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Coronel Cruz'.
Birthday: Fri, Apr 01 1977
Túlio StarlingTúlio Starling was 32 in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Diogo'.
Birthday: Mon, Apr 30 1990
Gabriela CorreaGabriela Correa was 31 in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Rachel'.
Birthday: Sat, Oct 12 1991
William CostaWilliam Costa was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Jeremias'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Sérgio MambertiSérgio Mamberti would have been no older than 82 in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Sr. Geraldo'.
Birthday: Sat, Apr 22 1939 –
Fri, Sep 03 2021
Similião AurélioSimilião Aurélio was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Oswaldo'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Buda LiraBuda Lira was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Tio Chico'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Juliana ZancanaroJuliana Zancanaro was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Empregada Coronel'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Antônio GrassiAntônio Grassi was 68 in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Advogado'.
Birthday: Sat, Jun 12 1954
André ReisAndré Reis was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Thomas'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Maria Eduarda EstevesMaria Eduarda Esteves was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Caru'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Bianca TerrazaBianca Terraza was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Aluna 1 Assembleia 68'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Pablo MagalhãesPablo Magalhães was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Aluno 1 Assembleia 68'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Bruno EstrelaBruno Estrela was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Aluno 2 Assembleia 68'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Kayo MendesKayo Mendes was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Soldado Invasão'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Carmen MeeCarmen Mee was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Secretária UNB'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Luiz Carlos XimenesLuiz Carlos Ximenes was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Locutor Rádio Tirana'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Juliana PlasmoJuliana Plasmo was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Marilene'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Alexandra MedeirosAlexandra Medeiros was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Médica'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Miquéias PazMiquéias Paz was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Professor Negro UNB'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Rafael Di SouzaRafael Di Souza was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Doutorando Negro'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Chico Sant'annaChico Sant'anna was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Professor UNB'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Leonardo Vieira TelesLeonardo Vieira Teles was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Mendigo'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Abaetê QueirozAbaetê Queiroz was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Pastor da Rádio'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Pedro NasserPedro Nasser was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Aluno branco'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Julia HortaJulia Horta was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Aluna branca'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Thamiris MarquesThamiris Marques was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Aluna negra'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Genésio TocantinsGenésio Tocantins was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Cícero'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Marcélia BelémMarcélia Belém was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Mulher do Cícero'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Maria Eduarda Pereira SoaresMaria Eduarda Pereira Soares was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Filha 1 de Cícero'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Lucivânia Soares da SilvaLucivânia Soares da Silva was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Filha 2 de Cícero'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Léo PinheiroLéo Pinheiro was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Médico Militar'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Wellington AbreuWellington Abreu was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Tenente'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Kuka EscosteguyKuka Escosteguy was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Maria do Carmo'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Veronica MaiaVeronica Maia was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Cliente Dona Ivani'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Edson RibeiroEdson Ribeiro was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Barqueiro'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Agda CoutoAgda Couto was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Amiga Diogo'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
André AmaroAndré Amaro was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Carlos Souza'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Vera CorraleroVera Corralero was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Mulher Carlos Souza'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Fernando AlvesFernando Alves was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Filho Carlos Souza'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Natanael CarneiroNatanael Carneiro was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Músico Igreja'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Pedro Abrísio da SilvaPedro Abrísio da Silva was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Guerrilheiro 1'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Axel GomesAxel Gomes was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Guerrilheiro 2'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Beirão NevesBeirão Neves was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Guerrilheiro 3'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Bell GamaBell Gama was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Guerrilheira 1'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Chico ChokolateChico Chokolate was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Guerrilheiro 4'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Cleomar VieiraCleomar Vieira was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Guerrilheiro 5'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Cleuda MilhomemCleuda Milhomem was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Guerrilheira 2'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Felipe TrindadeFelipe Trindade was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Guerrilheiro 6'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Jairo LimaJairo Lima was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Guerrilheiro 7'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Manoel JúniorManoel Júnior was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Guerrilheiro 8'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Shalon BezerraShalon Bezerra was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Guerrilheiro 9'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Tales MonteiroTales Monteiro was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Guerrilheiro 10'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Thiago AlencarThiago Alencar was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Guerrilheiro 11'.
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Arlyson GomesArlyson Gomes was 19 in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Fernando'.
Birthday: Sat, Aug 09 2003
José Eduardo BelmonteJosé Eduardo Belmonte was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Director, Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Larissa RolimLarissa Rolim was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Production Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Bárbara ÁlvarezBárbara Álvarez was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Nilson RodriguesNilson Rodrigues was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Idea, Writer, Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
José Rezende Jr.José Rezende Jr. was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Josefina TrottaJosefina Trotta was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Writer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Caetano Costa da Silva CuriCaetano Costa da Silva Curi was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Executive Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Luiz Fernando EmediatoLuiz Fernando Emediato was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Associate Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Zé Pedro GolloZé Pedro Gollo was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Bruno LaseviciusBruno Lasevicius was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Sascha KratzerSascha Kratzer was 46 in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Original Music Composer'
Birthday: Tue, May 11 1976
Eduardo ValenteEduardo Valente was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Script Consultant'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Ricardo CutzRicardo Cutz was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Sound Mixer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Ana Paula CardosoAna Paula Cardoso was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Art Direction'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Diana MoreiraDiana Moreira was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Costume Design'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Olivia Hernández FernándezOlivia Hernández Fernández was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Sound'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Andrea TristãoAndrea Tristão was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Makeup & Hair'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Glénio SáGlénio Sá was >> in The Pastor and the Revolutionary as 'Book'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday