Poster of Deerfoot of the Diamond

Deerfoot of the Diamond

Plot: In late 2021, Cleveland’s baseball team was reborn as the Guardians. This documentary, directed by Lance Edmands, chronicles the saga of that name change, which has its roots in a forgotten legend named Louis Sockalexis, and the tragedy that enveloped his story more than a century ago
Release Date: Tuesday, September 27 2022
2 years ago
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Portrait of Sky HopinkaSky Hopinka
Sky Hopinka was
38 in Deerfoot of the Diamond
as 'Louis Sockalexis (voice)'.
Sun, Jan 01 1984
Portrait of Echota KillsnightEchota Killsnight
Echota Killsnight was
>> in Deerfoot of the Diamond
as 'Louis Sockalexis'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Lance EdmandsLance Edmands
Lance Edmands was
>> in Deerfoot of the Diamond
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Shaandiin TomeShaandiin Tome
Shaandiin Tome was
>> in Deerfoot of the Diamond
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Matt CleggMatt Clegg
Matt Clegg was
>> in Deerfoot of the Diamond
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Adam PironAdam Piron
Adam Piron was
>> in Deerfoot of the Diamond
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kyle MartinKyle Martin
Kyle Martin was
>> in Deerfoot of the Diamond
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Rebecca SternRebecca Stern
Rebecca Stern was
>> in Deerfoot of the Diamond
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Dustin WaldmanDustin Waldman
Dustin Waldman was
>> in Deerfoot of the Diamond
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday