Poster of A-Bo the Humonkey

A-Bo the Humonkey

Plot: In the small town of Mossyrock, MA, a half man, half ape (humonkey) was found in a wicker basket. Beloved and sheltered by his small town, A-Bo is transferred to Boston when a liberal college students decides it is his duty to obtain A-Bo's human and civil rights
Release Date: Tuesday, January 22 2008
16 years ago
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Portrait of Frankie FrainFrankie Frain
Frankie Frain was
22 in A-Bo the Humonkey
as 'A-Bo'.
Mon, Jan 20 1986
Portrait of Benjamin FisherBenjamin Fisher
Benjamin Fisher was
>> in A-Bo the Humonkey
as 'Willie'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Lloyd KaufmanLloyd Kaufman
Lloyd Kaufman was
62 in A-Bo the Humonkey
as 'Ronald Weinberg'.
Sun, Dec 30 1945
Portrait of Jon RyanJon Ryan
Jon Ryan was
>> in A-Bo the Humonkey
as 'James Hoffman'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Joseph ConfortiJoseph Conforti
Joseph Conforti was
>> in A-Bo the Humonkey
as 'Officer Chad Oulette'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alyssa CrisswellAlyssa Crisswell
Alyssa Crisswell was
>> in A-Bo the Humonkey
as 'Jezebel Hoffman'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Frankie FrainFrankie Frain
Frankie Frain was
22 in A-Bo the Humonkey
as 'Director, Writer'
Mon, Jan 20 1986
Portrait of Douglas James BurgdorffDouglas James Burgdorff
Douglas James Burgdorff was
>> in A-Bo the Humonkey
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jonathan HuntJonathan Hunt
Jonathan Hunt was
>> in A-Bo the Humonkey
as 'Music'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jacob SadeckJacob Sadeck
Jacob Sadeck was
>> in A-Bo the Humonkey
as 'Story'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Keith SadeckKeith Sadeck
Keith Sadeck was
>> in A-Bo the Humonkey
as 'Story'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Christopher SzulewskiChristopher Szulewski
Christopher Szulewski was
>> in A-Bo the Humonkey
as 'Story'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Nina SzulewskiNina Szulewski
Nina Szulewski was
>> in A-Bo the Humonkey
as 'Story'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mark SantosMark Santos
Mark Santos was
>> in A-Bo the Humonkey
as 'Special Effects Makeup Artist'
Unknown Birthday