Poster of From Far Away

From Far Away

Plot: This short animation tells the story of Saoussan, a young girl struggling to adjust to life in Canada after being uprooted from her wartorn homeland. She has come to seek a quieter and safer life, although memories of war and death linger, memories that are awakened when the children at her new school prepare for a scary Halloween
Release Date: Saturday, January 1 1999
24 years ago
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Portrait of Jesse VinetJesse Vinet
Jesse Vinet was
>> in From Far Away
as 'Saoussan'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Shira AvniShira Avni
Shira Avni was
>> in From Far Away
as 'Director, Animation'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Serene El-haj DaoudSerene El-haj Daoud
Serene El-haj Daoud was
>> in From Far Away
as 'Director, Animation'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Michael FukushimaMichael Fukushima
Michael Fukushima was
>> in From Far Away
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Isobel MarksIsobel Marks
Isobel Marks was
>> in From Far Away
as 'Executive Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of David VerrallDavid Verrall
David Verrall was
52 in From Far Away
as 'Executive Producer'
Thu, Jan 01 1948
Portrait of Gordon HashimotoGordon Hashimoto
Gordon Hashimoto was
>> in From Far Away
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jean-Baptiste RogerJean-Baptiste Roger
Jean-Baptiste Roger was
>> in From Far Away
as 'Sound Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Normand RogerNormand Roger
Normand Roger was
>> in From Far Away
as 'Sound Designer, Music'
Unknown Birthday