Poster of Héroe Corriente

Héroe Corriente

Plot: In 2008, the former combatant soldier in the Malvinas Julio Aro returned to the islands to close his personal story. After visiting the Darwin cemetery, he proposed to restore the identity of the Argentines who lay as "Soldiers only known to God
Release Date: Saturday, April 5 2014
10 years ago
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Portrait of Ramón AlegreRamón Alegre
Ramón Alegre was
>> in Héroe Corriente
as 'Ramón Alegre'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Julio AroJulio Aro
Julio Aro was
>> in Héroe Corriente
as 'Julio Aro'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Luis AroLuis Aro
Luis Aro was
>> in Héroe Corriente
as 'Luis Aro'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mabel MirandaMabel Miranda
Mabel Miranda was
>> in Héroe Corriente
as 'Mabel Miranda'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Elma PelozoElma Pelozo
Elma Pelozo was
>> in Héroe Corriente
as 'Elma Pelozo'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of José María RaschiaJosé María Raschia
José María Raschia was
>> in Héroe Corriente
as 'José María Raschia'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of María Julia Stella de AroMaría Julia Stella de Aro
María Julia Stella de Aro was
>> in Héroe Corriente
as 'María Julia Stella de Aro'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Miguel MonforteMiguel Monforte
Miguel Monforte was
>> in Héroe Corriente
as 'Writer, Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Danilo GalasseDanilo Galasse
Danilo Galasse was
>> in Héroe Corriente
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday