Poster of The Living Vysotsky

The Living Vysotsky

Plot: Over the years, so much has been said about Vladimir Vysotsky that behind the pile of memories of people who knew him, the living Vysotsky gradually disappears. They say that Vladimir Vysotsky lived the way he wrote and sang his songs! You can create a legend about him as much as you like, make a monument out of him, but there is an absolutely real Vysotsky, whom each of us can recognize and understand
Release Date: Wednesday, October 5 2011
13 years ago
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Portrait of Vladimir VysotskyVladimir VysotskyVladimir Vysotsky would have been no older than 42 in The Living Vysotsky
Birthday: Tue, Jan 25 1938 –
Fri, Jul 25 1980


Portrait of Natalya GuguevaNatalya GuguevaNatalya Gugueva was 47 in The Living Vysotsky as 'Director, Writer'
Birthday: Sat, Apr 18 1964
Portrait of Danila SharapovDanila SharapovDanila Sharapov was 30 in The Living Vysotsky as 'Producer'
Birthday: Sun, Jun 07 1981
Portrait of Oleg VolnovOleg VolnovOleg Volnov was 54 in The Living Vysotsky as 'Producer'
Birthday: Thu, Jan 24 1957