Poster of Christmas in the Caribbean

Christmas in the Caribbean

Plot: The governor of a small Caribbean island is about to be visited by his European nephews, so he decides to treat them with the celebration a traditional Christmas day. This includes eating turkey for dinner, decorating the Christmas tree, and watching the snow fall
Release Date: Monday, January 1 2001
23 years ago
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Portrait of Walter TournierWalter Tournier
Walter Tournier was
56 in Christmas in the Caribbean
as 'Director, Screenplay'
Fri, Jul 14 1944
Portrait of Santiago EpsteinSantiago Epstein
Santiago Epstein was
>> in Christmas in the Caribbean
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Diego VelazcoDiego Velazco
Diego Velazco was
>> in Christmas in the Caribbean
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Penélope MiddleboePenélope Middleboe
Penélope Middleboe was
>> in Christmas in the Caribbean
as 'Screenplay'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Carl McMullinCarl McMullin
Carl McMullin was
>> in Christmas in the Caribbean
as 'Producer, Screenplay'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Guillermo CasanovaGuillermo Casanova
Guillermo Casanova was
37 in Christmas in the Caribbean
as 'Editor'
Sat, Nov 30 1963
Portrait of Carlos Da SilveiraCarlos Da Silveira
Carlos Da Silveira was
>> in Christmas in the Caribbean
as 'Music, Sound'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Leonardo CroattoLeonardo Croatto
Leonardo Croatto was
>> in Christmas in the Caribbean
as 'Sound, Music'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Daniel YafaliánDaniel Yafalián
Daniel Yafalián was
>> in Christmas in the Caribbean
as 'Sound'
Unknown Birthday