Poster of Shift


Plot: SHIFT tells the story of the volatile relationship between Melanie, a waitress in an airport coffee shop, and Louis, a telemarketing prison inmate in a new prison labor program. Stars Chris Meloni (Oz, Law and Order: Special Victims Unit), Alethea Allen and Eric Thal (A Stranger Among Us, The Wedding)
Release Date: Friday, January 1 1998
25 years ago
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Portrait of Alethea AllenAlethea Allen
Alethea Allen was
>> in Shift
as 'Melanie'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Christopher MeloniChristopher Meloni
Christopher Meloni was
37 in Shift
as 'Louis'.
Sun, Apr 02 1961
Portrait of Avery GlymphAvery Glymph
Avery Glymph was
>> in Shift
as 'Monty'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Marla SucharetzaMarla Sucharetza
Marla Sucharetza was
33 in Shift
as 'Diane'.
Thu, May 20 1965
Portrait of Eric ThalEric Thal
Eric Thal was
33 in Shift
as 'Eddie'.
Tue, Aug 10 1965
Portrait of Walter HandWalter Hand
Walter Hand was
>> in Shift
as 'Jarvis'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Kelly AndersonKelly Anderson
Kelly Anderson was
>> in Shift
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Tal McTheniaTal McThenia
Tal McThenia was
>> in Shift
as 'Writer'
Unknown Birthday