Poster of Footprints


Plot: An amnesiac young woman (Sybil Temtchine) wakes up, face down on the footprints of Graumans Chinese Theatre, and spends one day, from sunrise to sunset, entirely on Hollywood Boulevard, piecing together her identity through her interaction with a host of disparate characters and famous locales.
Release Date: Tuesday, November 1 2011
13 years ago
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Portrait of Sybil DarrowSybil Darrow
Sybil Darrow was
41 in Footprints
as 'Our Gal'.
Sun, Jun 07 1970
Portrait of H.M. WynantH.M. Wynant
H.M. Wynant was
84 in Footprints
as 'Victor'.
Sat, Feb 12 1927
Portrait of Pippa ScottPippa Scott
Pippa Scott was
75 in Footprints
as 'Genevieve'.
Sun, Nov 10 1935
Portrait of John BricknerJohn Brickner
John Brickner was
28 in Footprints
as 'E-Man'.
Thu, Jun 02 1983
Portrait of Catherine BruhierCatherine Bruhier
Catherine Bruhier was
39 in Footprints
as 'Cat Woman'.
Wed, May 31 1972
Portrait of Charley RossmanCharley Rossman
Charley Rossman was
>> in Footprints
as 'Mike the Tour Guide'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kirk BovillKirk Bovill
Kirk Bovill was
50 in Footprints
as 'Solitary Stranger'.
Tue, Jan 17 1961
Portrait of Riley WestonRiley Weston
Riley Weston was
45 in Footprints
as 'Super Girl'.
Fri, Aug 26 1966
Portrait of Joe RosetoJoe Roseto
Joe Roseto was
>> in Footprints
as 'Joe the Auditor'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of R.J. CantuR.J. Cantu
R.J. Cantu was
>> in Footprints
as 'Manny'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jeris PoindexterJeris Poindexter
Jeris Poindexter was
>> in Footprints
as 'Homeless Man'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jim BraswellJim Braswell
Jim Braswell was
>> in Footprints
as 'Robert'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Steve PaciniSteve Pacini
Steve Pacini was
>> in Footprints
as 'Robo-Dude'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jean IavelliJean Iavelli
Jean Iavelli was
>> in Footprints
as 'Grandma'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Stephanie PorgesStephanie Porges
Stephanie Porges was
>> in Footprints
as 'Teen Girl #2'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Steven PerosSteven Peros
Steven Peros was
>> in Footprints
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday