Poster of Tokyo Ghost

Tokyo Ghost

Plot: Tokyo Ghost is set in 2089 when humanity has become fully addicted to technology as an escape from reality. The story follows peacekeepers Debbie Decay and Led Dent, who are working in the Isles of Los Angeles and are given a job that will take them to the last tech-free country on Earth: the garden nation of Tokyo
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Cary Joji FukunagaCary Joji Fukunaga
Cary Joji Fukunaga may be
47+ in Tokyo Ghost
as 'Director, Producer'
Sun, Jul 10 1977
Portrait of Rick RemenderRick Remender
Rick Remender may be
51+ in Tokyo Ghost
as 'Screenplay, Comic Book'
Tue, Feb 06 1973
Portrait of Jon SilkJon Silk
Jon Silk may be
>> in Tokyo Ghost
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Hayden LautenbachHayden Lautenbach
Hayden Lautenbach may be
>> in Tokyo Ghost
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Sean Gordon MurphySean Gordon Murphy
Sean Gordon Murphy may be
>> in Tokyo Ghost
as 'Comic Book'
Unknown Birthday