Poster of Sundays


Plot: In the small town of Bas-Saint-Laurent, Quebec, three short stories unfold in the surreal atmosphere of a Sunday. An imaginative boy and his sister play inside their house, a Colombian priest faces his new community while giving an uneasy mass and a teenager falls into the reality of work
Release Date: Saturday, January 1 2010
13 years ago
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Portrait of Loralie Beaupré-BrienLoralie Beaupré-Brien
Loralie Beaupré-Brien was
>> in Sundays
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gabriel BujoldGabriel Bujold
Gabriel Bujold was
>> in Sundays
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alexandra CaronAlexandra Caron
Alexandra Caron was
>> in Sundays
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mathieu CastonguayMathieu Castonguay
Mathieu Castonguay was
>> in Sundays
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Vincent BironVincent Biron
Vincent Biron was
>> in Sundays
as 'Director of Photography'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jean-Guillaume BastienJean-Guillaume Bastien
Jean-Guillaume Bastien was
>> in Sundays
as 'Writer, Director'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Carolyne GoyetteCarolyne Goyette
Carolyne Goyette was
>> in Sundays
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday