Poster of Romans and Rascals

Romans and Rascals

Plot: The Roman setting provides ample opportunity for a very high concentration of gag titles, many of which are quite witty and many of which are quaint for deriving their humor from the juxtaposition of having ancient Romans use a lot of hip 1918-era slang. The whole thing is an excuse for a good send-up of how the Roman Empire has been depicted in "serious" plays, movies, &c
Release Date: Monday, May 27 1918
106 years ago
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Portrait of Larry SemonLarry SemonLarry Semon was 28 in Romans and Rascals as 'Caesar / A Minstrel'.
Birthday: Sun, Jul 14 1889 –
Mon, Oct 08 1928
Portrait of Madge KirbyMadge KirbyMadge Kirby was 34 in Romans and Rascals as 'Cleopatra'.
Birthday: Sun, Dec 30 1883
Portrait of Pietro AramondoPietro AramondoPietro Aramondo was >> in Romans and Rascals
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Owen EvansOwen EvansOwen Evans was >> in Romans and Rascals
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Paul RondasPaul RondasPaul Rondas was >> in Romans and Rascals
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of James DonnellyJames DonnellyJames Donnelly was 53 in Romans and Rascals
Birthday: Sun, Jan 01 1865 –
Tue, Apr 13 1937
Portrait of Frank AlexanderFrank AlexanderFrank Alexander was 39 in Romans and Rascals as 'Rotund senator'.
Birthday: Sat, May 24 1879 –
Wed, Sep 08 1937


Portrait of Larry SemonLarry SemonLarry Semon was 28 in Romans and Rascals as 'Director, Scenario Writer, Writer'
Birthday: Sun, Jul 14 1889 –
Mon, Oct 08 1928
Portrait of C. Graham BakerC. Graham BakerC. Graham Baker was 34 in Romans and Rascals as 'Scenario Writer, Writer'
Birthday: Mon, Jul 16 1883 –
Mon, May 15 1950