Poster of Tagged


Plot: Set in the criminal underworld of Waterloo, Stoner Jack inadvertently becomes involved in a drug war between two rival gangs. Jack must survive an onslaught of home invaders as he fends not only for himself but also for his precious marijuana
Release Date: Friday, November 8 2019
5 years ago
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Portrait of JmalJmal
Jmal was
>> in Tagged
as 'Stoner Jack'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Greg BellGreg Bell
Greg Bell was
>> in Tagged
as 'Stoner Jack's Drug Buddy'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Keegan LeblancKeegan Leblanc
Keegan Leblanc was
>> in Tagged
as 'Mike'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Shanae LealShanae Leal
Shanae Leal was
>> in Tagged
as 'Home Invader #1'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ryan VanderveldeRyan Vandervelde
Ryan Vandervelde was
>> in Tagged
as 'Home Invader #2'.
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kevin KochKevin Koch
Kevin Koch was
>> in Tagged
as 'Home Invader #3'.
Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Brendan StantonBrendan Stanton
Brendan Stanton was
>> in Tagged
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday