Poster of Videogame


Plot: A child plays Wii tennis while his parents divvy up and and pack the furniture. One camera angle, one perspective, one situation, with a strong emotional charge
Release Date: Thursday, January 1 2009
16 years ago
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Portrait of Dominga SotomayorDominga SotomayorDominga Sotomayor was 24 in Videogame as 'Director, Editor'
Birthday: Tue, Jan 01 1985
Portrait of Diogo Costa AmaranteDiogo Costa AmaranteDiogo Costa Amarante was >> in Videogame as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Benjamín DoménechBenjamín DoménechBenjamín Doménech was >> in Videogame as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday