Poster of Jäniksen vuosi

Jäniksen vuosi

Plot: Vatanen has had enough of his job, his wife, his whole urban lifestyle. One day, without warning, he leaves everything behind and heads out into the wilderness accompanied by a rabbit he found on the side of the road
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Aku LouhimiesAku LouhimiesAku Louhimies may be 56+ in Jäniksen vuosi as 'Director, Producer, Writer'
Birthday: Wed, Jul 03 1968
Portrait of Peter FranzénPeter FranzénPeter Franzén may be 53+ in Jäniksen vuosi as 'Writer'
Birthday: Sat, Aug 14 1971
Portrait of Andrei AlénAndrei AlénAndrei Alén may be 44+ in Jäniksen vuosi as 'Producer, Writer'
Birthday: Thu, Jan 01 1981
Portrait of Mikko TenhunenMikko TenhunenMikko Tenhunen may be >> in Jäniksen vuosi as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Arto PaasilinnaArto PaasilinnaArto Paasilinna may be 82+ in Jäniksen vuosi as 'Novel'
Birthday: Mon, Apr 20 1942 –
Mon, Oct 15 2018