Poster of Switzerland


Plot: Patricia Highsmith’s late life solitude in the Swiss Alps is interrupted by Edward, a young literary agent sent by the writer’s relentless publishing company to convince her to pen one last novel in her wildly popular Ripley series. Highsmith uses her famously macabre imagination to scare Edward away, but before they know it, a collaboration ensues, leaving the world they’ve constructed indistinguishable from their own
Release Date: No estimated release date
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Portrait of Helen MirrenHelen Mirren
Helen Mirren may be
79+ in Switzerland
as 'Patricia Highsmith'.
Thu, Jul 26 1945
Portrait of Alden EhrenreichAlden Ehrenreich
Alden Ehrenreich may be
35+ in Switzerland
as 'Edward'.
Wed, Nov 22 1989
Portrait of Olivia CookeOlivia Cooke
Olivia Cooke may be
31+ in Switzerland
Mon, Dec 27 1993


Portrait of Anton CorbijnAnton Corbijn
Anton Corbijn may be
69+ in Switzerland
as 'Director'
Fri, May 20 1955
Portrait of Robbie RyanRobbie Ryan
Robbie Ryan may be
54+ in Switzerland
as 'Director of Photography'
Thu, Jan 01 1970
Portrait of Joanna Murray-SmithJoanna Murray-Smith
Joanna Murray-Smith may be
62+ in Switzerland
as 'Theatre Play, Screenplay'
Tue, Apr 17 1962
Portrait of Troy LumTroy Lum
Troy Lum may be
>> in Switzerland
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Gabrielle TanaGabrielle Tana
Gabrielle Tana may be
>> in Switzerland
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Andrew MasonAndrew Mason
Andrew Mason may be
>> in Switzerland
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Kurt MartinKurt Martin
Kurt Martin may be
>> in Switzerland
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Jim RobisonJim Robison
Jim Robison may be
>> in Switzerland
as 'Producer'
Unknown Birthday