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Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
: Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion is a 2007 documentary film featuring interviews with pro-life activists across the United states. Its tagline is, "How the pro-lifers are winning"
Release Date
: Friday, June 15 2007
17 years ago
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John Brockhoeft
John Brockhoeft was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Grant Cheney
Grant Cheney was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Rachel Early
Rachel Early was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Herself'.
Unknown Birthday
Steven Ertelt
Steven Ertelt was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Nellie Gray
Nellie Gray was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Herself'.
Unknown Birthday
Peggy Hartshorn
Peggy Hartshorn was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Herself'.
Unknown Birthday
David Lee
David Lee was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Anthony Levatino
Anthony Levatino was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Monica Miller
Monica Miller was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Herself'.
Unknown Birthday
Janet Morana
Janet Morana was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Herself'.
Unknown Birthday
Jay Mount
Jay Mount was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Troy Newman
Troy Newman was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Jonathan O'Toole
Jonathan O'Toole was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Julie A. Parton
Julie A. Parton was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Herself'.
Unknown Birthday
Frank Pavone
Frank Pavone was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Joe Scheidler
Joe Scheidler was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Don Spitz
Don Spitz was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Matt Trewhella
Matt Trewhella was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Steve Wagner
Steve Wagner was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Steve Wetzel
Steve Wetzel was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Tim Wiesner
Tim Wiesner was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Himself'.
Unknown Birthday
Wendy Wright
Wendy Wright was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Herself'.
Unknown Birthday
John G. Roberts Jr.
John G. Roberts Jr. was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Himself'.
Thu, Jan 27 1955
Stephen Fell
Stephen Fell was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
Will Thompson
Will Thompson was
in Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday
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