Poster of Arc


Plot: Set in the belly of Los Angeles' criminal underworld, Arc is the story of Paris Pritchert, a former police officer turned drug dealer and addict, who embarks on a quest to find a missing child in the hope of redeeming his eroding character. The only catch is, like all addicts, Paris' confidence completely relies on the drugs in his system and -- in this case -- his firm belief that he can succeed in his mission if he can just stay high 24/7 and alive long enough to see it through
Release Date: Friday, October 20 2006
18 years ago
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Portrait of Peter FacinelliPeter Facinelli
Peter Facinelli was
32 in Arc
as 'Paris'.
Mon, Nov 26 1973
Portrait of Ann CusackAnn Cusack
Ann Cusack was
45 in Arc
as 'Angela Blake'.
Mon, May 22 1961
Portrait of Jonah BlechmanJonah Blechman
Jonah Blechman was
31 in Arc
as 'Kenny'.
Sat, Feb 08 1975
Portrait of Ken HowardKen Howard
Ken Howard was
62 in Arc
as 'Santee'.
Tue, Mar 28 1944 –
Wed, Mar 23 2016
Portrait of Billy LushBilly Lush
Billy Lush was
24 in Arc
as 'Bobby Ward'.
Mon, Nov 30 1981


Portrait of Robert Ethan GunnersonRobert Ethan Gunnerson
Robert Ethan Gunnerson was
>> in Arc
as 'Director'
Unknown Birthday