Poster of Soc...


Plot: At the end of the 1980s, high school students watch fragments of a congress of the Union of Polish Artists and Designers that took place in 1949. During the congress, socialist realism and pictures representing the imposed aesthetics were proclaimed
Release Date: Friday, January 1 1987
36 years ago
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Portrait of Piotr ŁazarkiewiczPiotr Łazarkiewicz
Piotr Łazarkiewicz was
33 in Soc...
as 'Director, Screenplay'
Sat, Mar 13 1954 –
Fri, Jun 20 2008
Portrait of Jacek PetryckiJacek Petrycki
Jacek Petrycki was
39 in Soc...
as 'Director of Photography'
Wed, Dec 01 1948
Portrait of Katarzyna RudnikKatarzyna Rudnik
Katarzyna Rudnik was
>> in Soc...
as 'Editor'
Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Andrzej LewandowskiAndrzej Lewandowski
Andrzej Lewandowski was
>> in Soc...
as 'Sound'
Unknown Birthday