Poster of Delete


Plot: Alex Granados, an expert in Human-Machine Relations and former journalist, says goodbye to his wife, Erika, and travels to the headquarters of the Great Erasure Commission in Paris. There he is received by the president, Laura Schimmel, who gives him the most difficult job of his career: to prepare a report to decide what humanity should erase if alternative storage systems do not prosper
Release Date: Friday, July 19 2024
Released within the last year
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Portrait of Andrea TivadarAndrea Tivadar
Andrea Tivadar was
35 in Delete
Sat, Mar 18 1989
Portrait of Alejandro TousAlejandro Tous
Alejandro Tous was
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Mon, Sep 13 1976


Portrait of Álvaro de CózarÁlvaro de Cózar
Álvaro de Cózar was
>> in Delete
as 'Director, Writer'
Unknown Birthday