Poster of The Shelter

The Shelter

Plot: Across from the railroad tracks, priest Alejandro Solalinde founds and builds a shelter in Ixtepec, Oaxaca to provide refuge and spiritual relief to Central American migrants. Solalinde ́s struggle is interwoven with the changing lives of women and men who, motivated by their faith and need for dignified work, waits for their moment to defy danger and continue their journey to the north
Release Date: Sunday, January 1 2011
13 years ago
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Portrait of Alejandro SolalindeAlejandro SolalindeAlejandro Solalinde was >> in The Shelter
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Alejandra IslasAlejandra IslasAlejandra Islas was >> in The Shelter as 'Director, Screenplay'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday