Poster of I Live in a Liv House

I Live in a Liv House

Plot: Documentarian Aivars Feimanis lived on the Liv Coast, in Melnsils. It's home to Latvia’s ancient indigenous Livs - a small Finno-Ugric people of the North Kurzeme coast, who preserve their unique folklore and traditions to this day
Release Date: Friday, November 1 1991
33 years ago
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Portrait of Aivars FreimanisAivars FreimanisAivars Freimanis was 55 in I Live in a Liv House as 'Director, Writer'
Birthday: Sat, Feb 08 1936 –
Wed, Jan 24 2018
Portrait of Agris DzelmeAgris DzelmeAgris Dzelme was >> in I Live in a Liv House as 'Director of Photography'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday