Poster of Here is the Woman

Here is the Woman

Plot: After being attacked by a stalker, Gul finally manages to catch him.
Release Date: Tuesday, March 1 1988
37 years ago
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Portrait of Serpil ÇakmaklıSerpil ÇakmaklıSerpil Çakmaklı was 25 in Here is the Woman
Birthday: Sat, May 19 1962
Portrait of Selçuk ÖzerSelçuk ÖzerSelçuk Özer was >> in Here is the Woman
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Erdinç AkbaşErdinç AkbaşErdinç Akbaş was 43 in Here is the Woman
Birthday: Sun, Feb 18 1945
Portrait of Sema PekerSema PekerSema Peker was >> in Here is the Woman
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Pınar AltıntaşPınar AltıntaşPınar Altıntaş was >> in Here is the Woman
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of İhsan Baysalİhsan Baysalİhsan Baysal was 47 in Here is the Woman
Birthday: Mon, Sep 16 1940 –
Tue, Nov 18 2003
Portrait of İhsan Devrimİhsan Devrimİhsan Devrim was 74 in Here is the Woman
Birthday: Wed, Jan 07 1914 –
Wed, Jan 06 2010
Portrait of Volkan EmirogluVolkan EmirogluVolkan Emiroglu was >> in Here is the Woman
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bülent KayabaşBülent KayabaşBülent Kayabaş was 42 in Here is the Woman
Birthday: Mon, Jun 18 1945 –
Wed, Apr 19 2017
Portrait of Mustafa KoçMustafa KoçMustafa Koç was >> in Here is the Woman
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Hüseyin KutmanHüseyin KutmanHüseyin Kutman was 57 in Here is the Woman
Birthday: Wed, Aug 20 1930 –
Thu, Dec 15 1988
Portrait of Asim ParAsim ParAsim Par was 30 in Here is the Woman
Birthday: Wed, Jan 01 1958 –
Fri, Sep 28 2018


Portrait of Şahin GökŞahin GökŞahin Gök was >> in Here is the Woman as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Bülent KayabaşBülent KayabaşBülent Kayabaş was 42 in Here is the Woman as 'Writer, Assistant Director'
Birthday: Mon, Jun 18 1945 –
Wed, Apr 19 2017
Portrait of Nazmi ÖzerNazmi ÖzerNazmi Özer was >> in Here is the Woman as 'Producer'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Mustafa KulMustafa KulMustafa Kul was >> in Here is the Woman as 'Editor'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Ertunç ŞenkayErtunç ŞenkayErtunç Şenkay was 41 in Here is the Woman as 'Cinematography'
Birthday: Mon, Mar 25 1946 –
Wed, Jan 26 2022