Poster of En Algún Sitio

En Algún Sitio

Plot: It tells the story of Christian and Antonio, two best friends, who have known each other since childhood; However, at the age of 18, these friends find themselves involved in a betrayal that will lead them to take very different paths. "Somewhere" is a beautiful story that will take place over 12 years, where the characters must accept the consequences of their actions and make decisions that will definitely set the course of their lifes
Release Date: Thursday, March 2 2023
2 years ago
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Portrait of Álvaro MarencoÁlvaro MarencoÁlvaro Marenco was >> in En Algún Sitio
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Luis JaraLuis JaraLuis Jara was >> in En Algún Sitio
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Alex BarqueroAlex BarqueroAlex Barquero was >> in En Algún Sitio
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Angélica CorralesAngélica CorralesAngélica Corrales was >> in En Algún Sitio
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Fray NavarreteFray NavarreteFray Navarrete was >> in En Algún Sitio
Birthday: Unknown Birthday
Portrait of Isabella OldenbourgIsabella OldenbourgIsabella Oldenbourg was >> in En Algún Sitio
Birthday: Unknown Birthday


Portrait of Fray NavarreteFray NavarreteFray Navarrete was >> in En Algún Sitio as 'Director'
Birthday: Unknown Birthday