Portrait of Vladimír Balco

Vladimír Balco

Born: Sat, Jul 16 1949
Death: Thu, Aug 31 2017
Vladimír Balco is 68 years old
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Results: 8 (8 Movies)

Movies (As Crew)

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Poster of Dážď padá na naše duše
Dážď padá na naše duše
Vladimír Balco was
52 in Dážď padá na naše duše
as 'Director, Screenplay'.
Thu, May 16 2002
Poster of Rivers of Babylon
Rivers of Babylon
Vladimír Balco was
48 in Rivers of Babylon
as 'Director, Screenplay'.
Thu, Apr 23 1998
Poster of Uhol pohľadu
Uhol pohľadu
Vladimír Balco was
35 in Uhol pohľadu
as 'Director, Co-Writer'.
Fri, Feb 01 1985
Poster of Môžeš
Vladimír Balco was
35 in Môžeš
as 'Director, Story, Screenplay'.
Tue, Jan 01 1985
Poster of Víno vinovaté
Víno vinovaté
Vladimír Balco was
34 in Víno vinovaté
as 'Director'.
Sat, Jan 21 1984
Poster of Homo immunis
Homo immunis
Vladimír Balco was
33 in Homo immunis
as 'Story, Screenplay, Director'.
Sat, Jan 01 1983
Poster of Concert for the survivors
Concert for the survivors
Vladimír Balco was
27 in Concert for the survivors
as 'Assistant Camera'.
Fri, Feb 25 1977
Poster of Do posledného dychu
Do posledného dychu
Vladimír Balco was
27 in Do posledného dychu
as 'Assistant Camera'.
Fri, Aug 20 1976

TV Shows (As Crew)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages