Movies (As Crew)
Sorted by Release Date
Wicked Priest
Tsuneo Daimon was ? in Wicked Priest as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Wed, Aug 14 1968

Showdown of Men 4: Tetsu, the White Tiger
Tsuneo Daimon was ? in Showdown of Men 4: Tetsu, the White Tiger as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Sat, Jan 27 1968

Ishimatsu the Yakuza: Something's Fishy
Tsuneo Daimon was ? in Ishimatsu the Yakuza: Something's Fishy as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Thu, Nov 23 1967

Gambler: Victory Without Death
Tsuneo Daimon was ? in Gambler: Victory Without Death as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Sat, Jul 08 1967

The Tattooed Lord
Tsuneo Daimon was ? in The Tattooed Lord as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Thu, Feb 25 1965

Prison Gambler
Tsuneo Daimon was ? in Prison Gambler as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Wed, Oct 21 1964

Moonshadow Ninja Scroll: Twenty-One Eyes
Tsuneo Daimon was ? in Moonshadow Ninja Scroll: Twenty-One Eyes as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Sun, Dec 15 1963

Bloody Record of the Shinsengumi
Tsuneo Daimon was ? in Bloody Record of the Shinsengumi as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Sun, May 12 1963

Yagyu Military Art: Jubei's Redemption
Tsuneo Daimon was ? in Yagyu Military Art: Jubei's Redemption as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Sat, Feb 23 1963

Revenge for His Lover
Tsuneo Daimon was ? in Revenge for His Lover as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Sun, Nov 11 1962

The Princess and the Bearded Lord
Tsuneo Daimon was ? in The Princess and the Bearded Lord as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Wed, Mar 14 1962

Travels of Gonkuro
Tsuneo Daimon was ? in Travels of Gonkuro as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Wed, Dec 06 1961

Yagyu Chronicles 2: The Secret Sword
Tsuneo Daimon was ? in Yagyu Chronicles 2: The Secret Sword as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Sun, Mar 19 1961

Yagyu Chronicles 1: Secret Scrolls
Tsuneo Daimon was ? in Yagyu Chronicles 1: Secret Scrolls as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Wed, Mar 01 1961

Brothers of Fire
Tsuneo Daimon was ? in Brothers of Fire as 'Art Direction'.Movie Released: Wed, Oct 26 1960
TV Shows (As Crew)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages