Portrait of Tomas Arana

Tomas Arana

Bio: He co-starred as Quintus in Ridley Scott's Gladiator (2000), the Dreamworks-Universal movie and winner of five Oscars, including Best Picture, co-starring Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen, Richard Harris, Derek Jacobi, and Oliver Reed. Three of Tomas Arana's more recent films are: La volpe a tre zampe (2005), directed by Sandro Dionisio, a Teatri Uniti (Angelo Curti)/Cattelya Production that co-stars Miranda Otto, Angela Luce, and Nadja Uhl; Outpatient (2002), directed by Alec Carlin, with Justin Kirk and Catherine Kellner and the Jean-Claude Van Damme action film, Derailed (2002), directed by Bob Misiorowski
Born: Sun, Apr 03 1955
Birthplace: Auburn, California, USA
Tomas Arana is 69 years old
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