Movies (As Crew)
Sorted by Release Date
Yellow Leaves in Summer
Tofig Ismailov was 47 in Yellow Leaves in Summer as 'Director'.Movie Released: Thu, May 15 1986

The Music Teacher
Tofig Ismailov was 44 in The Music Teacher as 'Director, Screenplay'.Movie Released: Sat, Oct 15 1983

I Compose a Song
Tofig Ismailov was 39 in I Compose a Song as 'Director, Screenplay'.Movie Released: Fri, Jun 02 1978

Straight to the Volcano
Tofig Ismailov was 37 in Straight to the Volcano as 'Director'.Movie Released: Mon, Mar 28 1977

Çarvadarların izi ilə
Tofig Ismailov was 35 in Çarvadarların izi ilə as 'Director'.Movie Released: Tue, Jul 30 1974

The Boys of Our Yard
Tofig Ismailov was 34 in The Boys of Our Yard as 'Director'.Movie Released: Wed, Jul 25 1973

The Cherry Tree
Tofig Ismailov was 32 in The Cherry Tree as 'Director'.Movie Released: Sat, Jan 01 1972

Muslim Magomayev Sings
Tofig Ismailov was 32 in Muslim Magomayev Sings as 'Writer, Director'.Movie Released: Sun, May 30 1971
TV Shows (As Crew)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages