Portrait of Thomas Lang

Thomas Lang

Bio: Thomas Lang begann bereits im Alter von fünf Jahren Schlagzeug zu spielen. Nach einiger Zeit privaten Unterrichts studierte er Schlagzeug am Konservatorium der Stadt Wien, unter anderem bei Walter Grassmann, welcher ihm den Big-Band-Stil näherbrachte
Born: Sat, Aug 05 1967
Birthplace: Stockerau, Austria
Thomas Lang is 57 years old
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Movies (As Crew)

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Poster of Falco - L.I.V.E Donauinsel + Stadthalle Wien
Falco - L.I.V.E Donauinsel + Stadthalle Wien
Thomas Lang was
36 in Falco - L.I.V.E Donauinsel + Stadthalle Wien
as 'Music'.
Thu, Jan 01 2004
Poster of Very Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind
Very Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind
Thomas Lang was
11 in Very Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind
as 'Writer'.
Tue, Sep 26 1978
Poster of Who Killed the Prosecutor and Why?
Who Killed the Prosecutor and Why?
Thomas Lang was
4 in Who Killed the Prosecutor and Why?
as 'Screenplay'.
Sat, Apr 15 1972

TV Shows (As Crew)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages