Portrait of Roni Benise

Roni Benise

Bio: Roni Benise (best known as Benise and pronounced Buh-ness-see), is an American guitarist who describes his style as "nouveau spanish flamenco. " After growing up in Nebraska, Benise moved to Los Angeles to pursue rock stardom
Born: Sun, Jan 10 1965
Birthplace: Grand Island, Nebraska, USA
Roni Benise is 59 years old
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Movies (As Crew)

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Poster of Benise: The Spanish Guitar
Benise: The Spanish Guitar
Roni Benise was
45 in Benise: The Spanish Guitar
as 'Music, Executive Producer, Music Producer'.
Sat, Mar 06 2010
Poster of Benise: Nights of Fire
Benise: Nights of Fire
Roni Benise was
40 in Benise: Nights of Fire
as 'Music'.
Tue, Apr 12 2005

TV Shows (As Crew)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages