Portrait of Quilapayún


Bio: Quilapayún are a folk music group from Chile and among the longest lasting and most influential ambassadors of the Nueva Canción Chilena movement and genre. Formed during the mid-1960s, the group became inseparable with the revolution that occurred in the popular music of the country under the Popular Unity Government of Salvador Allende
Born: Fri, Jan 01 1965
Birthplace: Santiago de Chile, Chile
Quilapayún is 59 years old
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Movies (As Crew)

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Poster of Hasta Vencer
Hasta Vencer
Quilapayún was
19 in Hasta Vencer
as 'Music'.
Sun, Jan 01 1984
Poster of Andrés de la Victoria
Andrés de la Victoria
Quilapayún was
19 in Andrés de la Victoria
as 'Music'.
Sun, Jan 01 1984
Poster of Color contra el fascismo
Color contra el fascismo
Quilapayún was
13 in Color contra el fascismo
as 'Music'.
Mon, Sep 11 1978

TV Shows (As Crew)

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Ages in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages