Portrait of Nicole Lizée

Nicole Lizée

Bio: Nicole Lizée creates new music from an eclectic mix of influences including the earliest MTV videos, turntablism, rave culture, Hitchcock, Kubrick, Alexander McQueen, thrash metal, early video game culture, 1960s psychedelia and 1960s modernism. Nicole’s compositions range from works for orchestra and solo turntablist featuring DJ techniques fully notated and integrated into a concert music setting, to other unorthodox instrument combinations that include the Atari 2600 video game console, omnichords, stylophones, Simon™, vintage board games, and karaoke tapes
Born: Sat, Apr 07 1973
Nicole Lizée is 51 years old
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Poster of River Silence
River Silence
Nicole Lizée was
46 in River Silence
as 'Original Music Composer'.
Fri, Apr 26 2019

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