Movies (As Crew)
Sorted by Release Date
The Falconer
Nicholas Bupp was ? in The Falconer as 'Cinematography'.Movie Released: Thu, Oct 07 2021

The Duke: Based on the Memoir 'I'm The Duke' by J.P. Duke
Nicholas Bupp was ? in The Duke: Based on the Memoir 'I'm The Duke' by J.P. Duke as 'Director of Photography'.Movie Released: Wed, Oct 19 2016

Love and Death in Los Angeles
Nicholas Bupp was ? in Love and Death in Los Angeles as 'Cinematography'.Movie Released: Sun, Sep 16 2012

Positive Reinforcement
Nicholas Bupp will be 0+ in Positive Reinforcement as 'Director of Photography'.Movie Released: Unreleased
TV Shows (As Crew)
Sorted by Release DateAges in TV shows are based off the first air date and may not be accurate. View individual episode details for accurate ages