Portrait of Milad Sabet

Milad Sabet

Bio: Milad SabetEzabadi (Born 15 September 1998, Tehran) is a Director, Videographer & photographer, who also known as Milad Sabet. Milad has been involved in many projects during this 8 years of experience with so many athletes, musicians, designers, models, bloggers, and business owners such as - A collaboration with Armin gheitasi in his music video, Guinness recorder of world fastest flute player in the world, - Photography of Najmeh Khedmati, an Olympics finalist who holds a lot of national and international medals
Born: Tue, Sep 15 1998
Milad Sabet is 26 years old
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Poster of گوشواره
Milad Sabet was 8 in گوشواره as 'Director of Photography'.
Movie Released: Tue, May 01 2007

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